Last Updated on July 19, 2015.

Accessibility Policy

The website has been designed to incorporate the highest level of accessibility for people with disabilities. We have taken extensive measures to ensure that our site is accessible and usable to everyone no matter what, if any, electronic or assistive technologies are used.

We have made every reasonable effort to implement the guidelines set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Section 508 Web Accessibility Standards developed by the United States Access Board. Our website meets most of the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines and all of the Section 508 standards.

Our webmaster, Neal Albritton, has designed this site to allow visitors the freedom to navigate independendently and effectively. Every visitor shall have the option to use her own style preferences as an alternative to the styles selected by our Webmaster. Visitors may adjust the font size, contrast, and customize other elements to meet their particular viewing needs.